The Ideal Solution for mass repetition


TBI, Spinal Cord Injury & Stroke Recovery

Therapy Benefits for People with Cerebral Palsy

Parkinson's, Improving Quality of Life

Improving Senior Daily Living with the Q

Veterans's PDF Flyer

Stroke Recovery Flyer

Opelika Auburn News ALS Article

OCH Wellness Connection Article

Case Study-Jump Starting Overall Health

Case Study-Effect on Reaching and Grasping Efficiency

Case Study- Increases in School Participation

Case Study-Effect on Walking Efficiency

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Ideal Users For The Quadriciser

Learn More

What is the Quadriciser?

     The Quadriciser is an exceptionally practical motorized therapy tool that provides gentle repetition of coordinated movement of all four limbs. Therapeutic movement that may otherwise be exhaustive to obtain is performed with ease and efficiency on the Quadriciser. In addition to restorative potentials from use of the Quadriciser, it is also a good defense to the complications that typically come with prolonged immobility. If movement of your body for therapeutic purposes is needed, the Quadriciser is an excellent consideration to provide it.

online video training manual

20 Therapeutic Motions

online video training manual

Our Guarantee

We’ll be here to help you get the most out of your Quadriciser. We offer on going support through Zoom, FaceTime, and more.


Our Products

We offer multiple Quadriciser units. Click “Learn More” to learn more about a specific Quadriciser

Adult Quadriciser

Our most popular Quadriciser unit

Wheelchair Unit

Perfect for wheelchair users

Child's Quadriciser

Great for smaller individuals
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